bluefinstudios in #proofofbrain • 14 days agoMad As A HatterSome days, you feet it. Truly feel it. Tired. Sad. Sometimes Angry. Lonely. Sad. Depressed. Some days, it gets to you. Truly, imposes a darkness. Abluefinstudios in #proofofbrain • last monthChristmas Cookie Day!It's CHRISTMAS COOKIE BAKING DAY! For the past few years, the ladies in my world have gathered, before Christmas to bake cookies, and catch up. Whebluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoMaking The BEST Lavender Lemon Jelly!Making Lavender Lemon Jelly! I've been growing Lavender for 10, 15 years? Something like that. But this yer, was a first for me! I finally made somebluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoMy FIRST EVER Sweet Potato Growing Season!Sweet Potato Harvest! THIS IS A FIRST for me! I've never grown Sweet Potato. I usually only eat it, once a year. It's just not my most favobluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoEND of My 2024 Outdoor Growing SeasonEnd of My Growing Season, for 2024 WAaaaaay back in February when I first started seeds for this season, this time of year was a very distant thbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoPlanting Garlic NOW, for Spring HarvestPlanting Garlic Cloves I live in New England, East Coast, US, and we have longer, colder winters. We don't have mild seasons, like California, for inbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoMaking NEW Raised Garden BedsBUILDING a NEW Raised Garden Bed "I NEED MORE!" said EVERY GARDENER EVERYWHERE! Last year, my garlic and onions were grown in Fabric Grow Bags andbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoEARLY September Gardens Tour and Update** September Garden Tour** Right at the beginning of September, I was both about to get very busy with work, and extremely NOT BUSY! I didn't know it, but Cbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoWhat Should I Plant For Fall?My Fall Garden Planting! After a long hot and humid New England Summer, some cooler nights are starting to set in. August brings those warm daybluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoHow To Cook Cast Iron Pot Roast Over An Open FireAN AMAZING FirePit Pot Roast! For me, there's nothing like a Pot Roast for comfort foods! AND, who doesn't love cooking over an open fire, for abluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 6 months agoWhat Does My SECOND POTATO Harvest Look Like?Second Potato Harvest (and some Garlic, too)! Potatos are a staple of my family's diet in Fall, Winter, and Early Spring. I try and grow as manybluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 7 months agoWhat About My Garden In The Hellish Heat of July?Late July Tour and Harvest! SUMMER TIME, and HOT, HOT, HOT! It's very easy to start to get down and distracted when the temps turn this HOTbluefinstudios in #proofofbrain • 7 months ago1st Potato of 2024MY FIRST Potato Harvest of 2024! This is my fourth? fifth year of growing Potato. Each year, I add to the Fabric Grow Bags that I use for my potato harvests. Each bag is a 25…bluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 7 months agoThe FLORIDA WEAVE for Tomato and Cucmber!FLORIDA WEAVE for my tomato and cucumbers! With the new TRELLIS Arch, I needed a strong, flexible way to trellis my Tomato and Cucumber vines,bluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 7 months agoTOMATO TRELLIS Update, and Garden TourFINALLY! My trellis for tomato and cucumber is in place! If you've been following me, you know we had some snow and storms. ![Snow Storms.jpg](httbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 8 months agoMulch, Maintenance, And MORE Garden FUN!Mulching, Garden Maintenance, and Much, Much MORE! If you've been following me, you know that April And MAY were EXTREMELY busy times for me, for workbluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 8 months agoWant To Grow Great Peppers? To Get The BEST Peppers, CAREFULLY handle the seedlings! Here I show how I am transplanting my Pepper Seedlings, into their Fabric Grow Gags. Ibluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 9 months agoMy Secret Recipe For AMAZING compostTo Get The BEST Vegetables, You NEED the BEST SOIL! Great vegetable harvest need great soil. AND, I do NOT leave my soil health to chance. I activbluefinstudios in #hive-124452 • 9 months agoMy Mom's Influence In My Kitchen! LOH #185Family CookBooks Thru the Years! The Cookbook I made of my mom's recipes, on top. Back about 20 years ago, I started thinking about family recibluefinstudios in #hive-140635 • 9 months agoPlanting My 2024 Onions!Planting My 2024 Onions! Onions are from a family called Alliaceae. they also herbaceous perennial flowering plants and flowers. Sometimes, people kn