CHD Receives First Batch of CDC V-Safe Data Under Court Order - Huge Numbers!

in #news8 months ago

Vigilant Fox, a substack of the Vigilant News Network, emailed me this report from Children's Health Defense (CHD), that has begun receiving the data from the V-Safe program the CDC maintains to augment the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) alerts regarding vaccines.

CHD successfully sued the CDC for the data, and has now analyzed the first batch of 390,000 reports released under the court's order. The high number of affected subjects is horrifying.

• 1 in 1,300 individuals reported experiencing Bell’s palsy (facial paralysis) in the initial few days after vaccination.

• 1 in 906 individuals reported disturbances in their normal menstrual cycle following vaccination.

• 1 in 450 individuals reportedly experienced shingles after receiving the vaccine.

• 1 in 160 individuals reported tinnitus or ringing in the ears.

• 1 in 143 individuals experienced heart palpitations after vaccination during the initial reporting period.

More than 1 in 150 individuals experiencing heart palpitations is shocking to me. Moreover, this data is only regarding the first few days after vaccination, and we know that adverse events continue to be suffered for years after being jabbed. These numbers will go up.

You can download the data yourself from CHD here.

IMG source -

In 'The Clot Thickens', episode 360 of 'The Highwire',CHD's headline broadcast with Del Bigtree, Del points out the very concerning statistics from the recent study of more than 99M vaccinated people that showed risk of Myocarditis increased by more than 600% after the third dose. Jeffrey Jaxen, a regular contributor, discusses the recent legislation in France that criminalizes providing information that discourages prophylactic medical treatment, even if that information is factually correct, with up to three years in prison and tens of thousands of dollars in fines.

Any researcher that finds a medication is harmful and publishes the results of their research can get the Julian Assange treatment. France is literally criminalizing science.

If we cannot speak the factual truth regarding potential hazards we face, we can be killed or otherwise harmed without having any opportunity to provide informed consent. ~20M people have been shown to have died as a result of Covid19 vaccinations, and many more are injured, and are at risk of sudden death, today. Free speech is an existential need we have because it's not just our right to speak our opinions, but our right to alert people to deadly hazards - and our right to be warned of deadly hazards.


If we cannot speak the factual truth regarding potential hazards we face, we can be killed or otherwise harmed without having any opportunity to provide informed consent. ~20M people have been shown to have died as a result of Covid19 vaccinations, and many more are injured, and are at risk of sudden death, today. Free speech is an existential need we have because it's not just our right to speak our opinions, but our right to alert people to deadly hazards - and our right to be warned of deadly hazards.

Dear @valued-customer !

Your argument is completely unknown to the world I live in!😯

That world is unironically exemplary of the hazard I discuss, sadly.
