Changes to PolyCub coming "soon"

in #hive-1679222 years ago

The first Polycub governance voting has completed.
So what we got?

Interesting, that even four (4) wallets voted late, after deadline time.
One vote sent 0.003 Matic, instead of 0.0003. As this seems just a misstype, and the voter's intentions are clear, maybe Khal will count him OK. Especially that this does not change anything.

So here are some of the numbers


Total votes: 81
Total stake: 82439 xPC
30 d support: 44 votes, 56681 xPC, 68.8 % (!)
15 d support: 33 votes, 24762 xPC, 30.0 %
90 d support: 4 votes, 996 xPC, 1.2 %

From the xPC rich list:
TOP-10 .....5 votes
11-20 ...5 votes
21-30 ...3 votes

And below is how exactly the TOP-100 walets voted:

Could the "15D team" win?
Yes, if at least any three missing wallets from TOP-10 had also voted (properly) for 15D
but still ...
NO, if all richlist TOP30 missing wallets missed the proper vote, and ALL (all!) the 453 remaining xPC owners had all voted with 0.00015

I've noticed that some of my figures disagree with roleerob's data.
Maybe beause I took the richlist stake snapshot only ~2 hours after voting ended.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Good to see my vote has a say after seeing your post.

I think when the interface goes live we should get more participation, thanks for posting results!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


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This is awesome as the turnup was incredible to vote

"I've noticed that some of my figures disagree with roleerob's data."

I did not include the 2nd largest stakeholder's late vote. Not that it matters, since this account also voted for 30 days ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

If you mean 0x1c9e... I did the same.
0x5810...was also late:

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The only late one I have was, yes, 0x1c9e ... as I stopped checking after that. And then finished working on writing my post about the results ...

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Few voted. At least we have a say as of the direction of the platform.
I know I voted but I forgot.
AnywAYS 3 days is s start to see how we understand the lock process.


Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

This is the first governance vote so we'd be seeing some in coming times, so more hands would come on deck to make the required changes.

Amazing stats there. 30 day liquidity reward claim is awesome. Not too long and not too short.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Disappointing to see the low turnout by the big accounts, especially the larger ones. I really believe that Khal should look at ways to incentives voting. Having such large stakes in the hands of people who don't participate is a bit scary.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

wOw the 90d have been really unpopular

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmm, curious that more than half of the high stakers haven't voted. I don't think it's the voting method. It was very simple, imo. But perhaps not in your face, like it would have at the interface level. On another note, nice to see I made it to Top 100. :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The people have made their choice, change is coming.

30 feels like a nice safe play. A good amount of reduction but not overkill so we can see how the system reacts to it. Pending that I could see it moving to 15 days in the future to keep momentum. Even 15 days is a long time.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Interesting results!

Now the really interesting thing will be to see if more people vote when the interface becomes easier to do so next time. I am half tempted to say no, they won't.

I should have read your comment first. I just posted something similar.

I have a feeling making it easier will result in more voting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope you're right! Broader voting trends tend to make me think the problem is not laziness but indifference, but I would love to see that the Hive ecosystem (or at least the Leo portion of it) is better than that. We shall see, eh?

A good point. I think, overall, people do not see the value in it.

Over time, we should change this. Perhaps if people start to understand how things are within their control, at least somewhere, they will behave differently.

People are indifferent because they spend years (decades) with no control.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

So it's over. 30-day it is! I kept wondering why the other holders didn't vote. Did they not know about the voting or they simply just want to go with the flow, lol!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Seems so. I am guessing it will be a few days and the updates will be made to the site.

Then a bunch more POLYCUB will hit the market.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

And that would be totally amazing. Let's see how it goes in a few days or say, a week maybe?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

On the last AMA Khal mentioned that it would not take them long to update the claim period once the voting closed.

If I recall correctly, which is not guaranteed, I think he said a couple days.

But we shall see. We like when things move fast.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think it will be sooniverse as he puts it and that will probably be very soon hehe

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Real estate in the Sooniverse must be getting very expensive. It seems a popular neighborhood.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hahaha, it must be huh! And Khal may need to apply it as a trademark, haha

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

He might. Or get a broker's license. One of the two.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

There should be another vote 1 week later.
Looking forward to know about the proposal and hope we have a real voting UI on polycub platform with real-time data of the result.
It will be so cool with it :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Some infrastructure to build but it seems to be on the list.

Anyone can submit a proposal for voting. That will be very interesting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Then I will have 2 proposals

  • Show the Protocol Owner Liquid (POL) value.
    It's the core value of xpCUB.
    Showing it will help investors to see the potential of xpCUB
  • Show how many pCUBs are bought back from POL to increase PC/xPC ratio

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Show the Protocol Owner Liquid (POL) value.
It's the core value of xpCUB.

That is on the road map already.

Show how many pCUBs are bought back from POL to increase PC/xPC ratio

I dont know but that is a basic I think would be included.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hey @onealfa, here is a little bit of BEER from @pouchon for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

In the end it was 30 days, that was my preference as I mentioned on another occasion. I think that will make the system more flexible and attract more users.
On the other hand, the first vote was interesting, I think that users have to get used to it and that participation will grow.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Well that one is in the books. Hopefully they get the UI to add voting.

That might have stopped a few from voting. Who knows.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

A voting UI would be more beautiful and interesting. I hope that rolls out before the next governance voting.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for the results 😎
Not many turned up for the voting, but the majority went with 30 days. My vote too.

Hope more will join in next time. Maybe if it will be easier to vote, although it wasn’t hard to do so now.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I hope after this voting the xPolycub will further grow to 25:1 ratio. I see there has been a stall in PC staking and this new feature can be vital for future investments.
All the best, Team LeoFinance.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from May - Day 15

It seems 30 days it is.
Will the change apply to new LP positions or the previous ones too?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

The change applies to POLYCUB harvested but not claimed yet (still locked) as well. Counter started when you harvested and expires after 30 days when this change is released.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I wonder if all the votes are counted. Are they including the ones that were late. But I noticed that they were mostly voting for 30 days anyway !

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Check out the last post from @hivebuzz:

Hive Power Up Month - Feedback from April day 21

It is possible some stakeholders did not even know there was a vote. Except for the Tweets and articles by @leofinance I don't remember seeing anything prompting the users to take any governance action. An easy UI should help to fix this and we can measure governance participation increase after the improved UX and have real data to inform future choices.

PS: I'm one of those who voted to keep 90 days. I like taking the more long term approach and getting some extra POLYCUB from those who want to get their rewards early. 15 is too short of a time IMO. 30 days is a good middle ground. I'm satisfied about how this all turned out to be.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Hmm, looks like I am in position #72. Not quite as high as I was hoping, but I guess at least I am in the top 100. Probably could have been higher if I had started taking the penalty right away. Big mistake on my part!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I didnt take the penalty either. Sure missed out but I am hoping the price of POLYCUB runs up and I have a nice nest egg sitting there. Of course, that was with the 90 day wait, now a bunch will be released, at 25 cents. Guess I am hodling. LOL

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I am probably going to hold or re-invest. I don't know if I will buy more xpolycub. I just don't know yet :)

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I am thinking of holding my POLYCUB and wait for the price to go up. Hopefully, by the time the next version of Polycub is released, on whatever chain, I will have a nice nest egg to drop in right from the start.

That is my thinking anyway. But then with lending, there might be other opportunities.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Yeah, I don't think I will have enough time to build up some capital for the next one like I did for Poly. I am not sure what I will do with my polycub. It's such a small amount right now... I knew coming in there would likely be a project I needed to skip and be okay with that. I will still get the airdrop tokens though.

Hard to tell. As for the time, I think it will be a while before we see the next one.

I think the focus is Polycub and adding a lot more to that platform.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I think you are right. Plus we know that even when they say soon, it usually means six months, so I am good for a while until they throw out that first "soon".

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

LOL that seems to be the time frame for the Sooniverse.

So we will just have to keep getting as many eggs as we can before that takes hold.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Any news on the IDO that was suppose to happen after the Polycub launch?

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I took the penalty initially when the inflation is high, but now I just sit on.

I voted for 30 days, because it lines up nicely with the block halving for the time being. Also, because of the lower inflation rate there is less risk for a mass dump, yet I do still think it's good to punish impatient people with a penalty for xPolyCUB :).

Oh, one other thing: in my case I did withdraw entirely out of the original CubDEFI. Not because I do not like the CubDEFI, but because I think Polygon has a better user experience as a platform than Binance Smart Chain (lower fees, quick processing etc). I also am a bit fearful of BNB tanking soon, as it's so highly valued.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta