Crypto's Contribution In Creating Real-time Possibilities

in #hive-167922last year

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Hello everyone it's @Joetunex and @Josediccus here again. We're back again after such a long time missing in action. In this video, we explained the reason why we took such a long break and why it's taken so long to come back to do what we most love doing.

At @jj-finance, we're dedicated to giving you introspective views into everything finance, from real-time personal finance experience to real life-changing experiences in affiliation with Hive and crypto. In this episode, we talked about @joetunex and his courageous decision to leave South Africa, a place he's lived for more than 15 years.

He's been someone who has been vocal about his living experience in South Africa and we went ahead to talk about seeking for greener pastures in different places and how crypto has played a vital role in creating real-time possibilities for people like us who are enthusiasts and believers as well.

We're going to be bringing other exciting episodes and we're glad to be back again, Hope you enjoy this one.

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@tipu curate 3

Nice to see you back Jose and Joe. I am so glad that Joe made that decision to get back home to a freer life. Many people are suffering in silence in search of greener pastures, every human should live free and happy and be treated with dignity no matter where they are. This life is short and we should seek to enjoy every minute of it. Am quite sure crypto will bring a lot of equality in the world.
It is clear that South Africans have policies to push people out and make life difficult especially for their fellow Africans, which is just unfortunate.
That was very courageous of Joe and I wish him the very best. Thank you so much guys for sharing and I wish you a wonderful weekend ahead :}

Thank you, you know, there was a time in 2021 when I was talking to him about moving to the same country where he has now currently left and I'm glad I no longer nurtured that decision because it would have been terrible for me. I'm glad I took the better decisions to not go anymore. It's great to see him come back to an even better country where he can begin to build something new and different for himself.

Thanks for watching our show.

oh wow, I am glad you didn't go there to a system that degrades African immigrants. Good decision, you definitely dodged a bullet

I didn't go and it was all thanks to Joe, imagine if I didn't have all that piece of information, I do think hive is more than a Blockchain to some understandable level, it brings people together.

It would have been the worst decision for you Jose, I did share the voice note of a Nigerian in SA that sometimes wishes to commit suicide for being stuck in SA, I think hearing that summed it all up for you and also reassured me that I made the right decision.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I thought that because the opportunities there were more than in Nigeria that it would actually be easier to do better for myself, I mean, better health care system and everything. Clearly the cons outweighs the Pro.

every human should live free and happy and be treated with dignity no matter where they are.

Before I left SA, I visited a dear woman to me whom I referred to as my mom, she used the word dignity, and she said I should return home so that all my effort for making a living will be dignified instead of wasting time in SA where I am working but it was all for hand to mouth. That word dignity struck and has since then stayed with me, now I hear it for the second time from you.
It is most likely I will gain my dignity here at home lol. Thanks, bro you have been following up closely about my decision and have been a motivation many thanks.
I do miss our weekly talk with Jose, am glad he was understanding and supportive.

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Oh yes bro, no one should be treated like trash or second class. Your SA mom was right and I remember that post you wrote about her. Those were wise words.

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I'm glad I came across this post. It's great to dive into the life of Joe and see how much of help Hive has been. Some people take Hive as a full time job; this shows how far hive has gone in changing lives.

It's a good thing that Joe moved from where he was. This way, the progression would be better because he won't be restricted by certain rules and laws.

It's safe to say welcome back jj-finance✨

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Thanks for watching our show, well, I didn't take Hive as a full-time job, I remembered when I started I was working 7 to 7 and for many months I was doing this, then buying the second layer tokens with my fulltime day job. It's been a crazy journey, with hive, you need a whole lot on the table to really cut it.

I remembered when I started I was working 7 to 7 and for many months I was doing this, then buying the second layer tokens with my fulltime day job

I read somewhere that, to be able to thrive better on hive, one would need another job that's bringing in income and that's very true. This way, you wouldn't be whisking out every little token from your hive wallet.

Thanks for watching our show,

It was a pleasure.

Hive offers me the platform to share stories about my life, I feel more comfortable doing this on Hive than elsewhere.

I sometimes have no words to describe Hive's impact on my life and the lives of other Hivers based on reading their posts. Hive is saving lives, we can begin to imagine Hive in another 5 years.

As for my move from SA, it happened on its own, I got fed up with the limitations always before me when I knew I can do better but can't due to human impediments, not a life anyone should be subjected to.

Many thanks for watching, much appreciated.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

I sometimes have no words to describe Hive's impact on my life and the lives of other Hivers based on reading their posts. Hive is saving lives, we can begin to imagine Hive in another 5 years.

Hive has contributed in more ways that one to my life also and I can totally relate with that.

I'm glad that Hive poses as a safe space for you to share your experiences.

Am glad to hear such testimony from you, we Hive continue to impact us positively as we do our best to ensure it is here now and the future.

A blissful Sunday to you.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

Do have a great Sunday too✨

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