Bitcoins Rocky 2025 Might Be Because Of This

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An interesting thing is happening in the world of bitcoin right now that many are not too keen on. This article will go over those findings and how it could affect bitcoin and crypto in 2025 and how we might not be in for that massive bull run so many have hoped for.

It comes down to the world war we are currently in and country vs country. Make no mistake about it we are in world war three and have been for some time. This war is fought in many unique ways. Land grabs, cyber warfare, stealing crypto, proxy wars and more. But in this article we are going to focus on the crypto world.

How we got here

I think it's important to first put this all into context and how the last four years for the USA have been some of the worst in terms of losing world wide control of things.

You see there was once one payment system that was focused on USD called SWIFT. It was a way for countries to transact large amount of money between each other in order to mass buy products. Think about the USA importing oil for example.

Well that meant that other countries had to use USD as well and be part of the SWIFT program to make things happen.

This was then weaponized when Russia invaded Ukraine and since then the world has pretty much been split into two. This splitting also meant that they needed their own SWIFT system as they were kicked out of it.

Well that's not such a smart thing to do when a country holds vast amounts of the resource you rely on and so do other countries. This mainly comes down to oil and how power hungry the USA is for it.

So what you have now is a major push for EV cars which guess what... Don't run on oil anymore but do run on battery power which is mined in Africa for the most part. So at some point the reliance of oil away from these countries and more to countries you control in Africa makes sense in terms of a country stand point.

These are these larger pictures that many people just don't get or miss but there's always a reason something is being done and trust me it's not ever for the betterment of the people or the environment it's about your country staying in control at the end of the day.

Well that's not taken us to the point of where we are today and might drastically shape how crypto moves forward in the next four years under trump.


Everything right now is focused on Russia but also other countries it does business with. It's now been reported and confirmed that Russia is using bitcoin and looking to further adopt it for trade. This is a way for them to get around sanctions that the USA and other countries have imposed on them. We will get back to this a bit later again.

A New Gold Rush

What very well might take place is a modern day gold rush in wish is world wide. Where countries around the world adopt bitcoin and crypto and start to mine it and accumulate it in droves.

When this starts to happen or if it happens the current $100,000 per bitcoin will most likely balloon to over 1 million USD per bitcoin and start to turn up a firestorm of demand.

But will it really come to that?

Or will something else take shape over these next four years?

Russia Changes

When in a hard place you'll make changes and Russia has started to do just that by now legalizing crypto for cross boarding payments. Mining of the asset and also opening up trade of it. But we all know that most of it will funnel through the government there and a few elites like everything else. While the USA on the other hand would most likely be a company, country and civilian push.

With this move and the very real presentation of Putin working with Trump to come to some type of peace deal it could go one of two ways.

Either countries become wildly competitive and start hoarding bitcoin to outdo the other or both countries ditch their bitcoin/crypto plans and instead work on strengthen their position in the world with their systems and Fiat currency. A part of me is leaning more towards the anti crypto move at the moment where it takes back stage of the fiat world.

Now on another hand or foot lol is that BRICS is still having issues with launching really. Because of that Russia has been pushing Bitcoin and using it and thus when Trump gets into office to maybe end the war and slap tariffs on anyone not falling into line it's going to hard line people into crypto / bitcoin as a way to pay for things until BRICS is setup and ready to roll which might not ever happen with the amount of corruption in the countries that are taking part in it. (Now let me also be clear the USA has it's fair share of corruption as well)

The big play Bitcoin has going for it right now is the ability for countries to use it to escape sanctions in the short term and start operating like they use to. A censorship resistance form of currency and that could be it's biggest play as the wars continue to rage on.

Posted Using INLEO


Knowing about the Bitcoins is all very valuable news. Thank you for reporting @bitcoinflood

Bitcoin is the most popular crypto but maybe they will also use others in the future.


The world is changing rapidly, from fiat to crypto, oil to electricity, coal / oil to solar and wind, AI, robotic, ...
We will see another world in 10 to 20 years. And there will be fights who controlls the resources.
And there is not only USA, Russia and Brics, there is Asia, Africa, and also Europe.

Sir we are two weeks into 2025; it is January 13th today.

The four year cycle does not care.

2021 was decent and we shut down the entire world economy for a year and basically declared worldwide martial law lite while also sanctioning Russian gas and bringing logistics to a screeching halt. You need to post this type of content when everyone is thinking "this time is different" and "price is never coming back down" because the FOMO is going to happen every single time no matter what is going on. Seriously though Bitcoin pulled an x2 in 2023 when three major crypto banks went under. Bitcoin don't care. Honey badger vibes for sure.

Rich people have not stopped getting richer.
The divide between the rich and the poor continues to be a widening chasm.
We are on the brink of the fiat Ponzi no longer serving these people's best interests.
They will continue to find a way to make money, and Bitcoin is right there flashing green at them.