Dashboard for Utopis project

in #hive-1635212 years ago

UTOPIS is a dividend token on Hive Engine that gives us Dividends every week. The rewards are pretty good and I personally have a decent stake in UTOPIS tokens. I was excited about this project as the rewards are brought to us from the earnings from outside Hive Ecosystem. This is not only good for the token holders but also for the Hive Ecosystem in general. I have coded a bot for @chronocrypto to distribute the rewards every week. The bot has been facilitated where he himself can trigger the reward distribution. In addition to the dividend payment, we will also be able to get a 25% APR for delegating Hive power to the @utopis account. The rewards are in the form of UTOPIS tokens.

This has been a long time due. The dashboard went live long back but I did not get a chance to write about the dashboard. This one was a quick 3-day project that I did. I was in the process of using Tailwind CSS on my projects and I thought it would be better to do it if I get my hands on some project. That is when Utopis was getting very popular. I did not even ask @chronocrypto if I can go ahead and create the dashboard. I completed it and showed it to him and he was happy.


The dashboard of the tool displays the tokenomics of UTOPIS tokens. It shows how much is the total supply, how much really is in circulation and the total burned. This data is real-time and will be updated every time the website is loaded. Initially, I hosted it as a subdomain under one of my domains but then later I asked @chronocrypto if it would be good to purchase an exclusive domain for this and hosted the website on https://utopis.io.

The other features of this tool include a separate page to show the payouts that have been made so far from UTOPIS. The payment value is variable every week but there is a section that sums up all the rewards based on a particular user and displays it. In addition to that, there is a Richlist option available where the users can go and check the list of holders and how many people hold, and what is their rank among the holders.

As this was just a quick tool, I couldn't work more on this and add more features. But there are definitely plans to improve this tool and come up with more details on the same. Some ideas for future improvement are as follows:

  • FAQ section answering the common questions about UTOPIS
  • Rewards split up based on individuals
  • ROI calculator
  • Delegation ROI calculator
  • Links to delegate

At the moment I'm very busy on other projects but I would like to continue the work on this website and improve it so that anyone hearing about UTOPIS will reach out to this website and find out all the information they would need. For those reading about this for the very first time, I would recommend visiting UTOPIS discord to get more details on the project.

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Posted with STEMGeeks


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great work. it would be cool to see some of those extra features at some point.

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I love the idea of having a dashboard instead of wondering when payout is and how much you are getting from it each week. I think it will do a lot for transparency and the overall good of the token.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

It's nice to see the dashboard and I look forward to how it looks after it's complete. From just a short view of it, it has some nice information, and here are some things that aren't working.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta

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Do you know that you can earn a passive income by delegating to @indiaunited. We share 100 % of the curation rewards with the delegators.

Here are some handy links for delegations: 100HP, 250HP, 500HP, 1000HP.

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Great Post!
