Hello everyone
I hope you all are doing fine. The prompt provided this week is quite interesting and I actually wanted to write on something similar to this so I chose to write on it. Toxic relationships are more common than we think, we only figure out about some when two people fight apparently but I must say that every relationship in existence faces some level of toxicity and still chooses to stay in them.
It's always easy for the outsiders to say "why don't they just leave each other" but hey man, nooo. Walking away isn't that simple just like you think, you have spent a significant time of your life with someone and now you want them to separate their ways. This isn't how things work in real life. Not only in romantic relationships, even if someone is your friend or even a family member, toxicity stuff is more complicated than people actually realise.
Let me make you understand this thing through an example...
Let's suppose you have invested a lot in some crypto coin, the coin seemed promising, it did show some pump at the start, but then it pulled back, you still chose to stick to it. You noticed all the red flags: bad management, negative news, crashes but still you chose to stay with it because you already invested a lot into that.
Now imagine someone telling you to cut all your connections with that coin, why would you do that? You have invested a lot of your money into that. The same is the case in connections, either of them or both have already invested themselves so much that despite continuous fights, no desparate love for each other they still stay together.

One myth which is really common on our side (I don't know about yours) is that fights in a relationship increase love, lol. Many people don't realise the toxicity as they just consider those fights a normal fight and think everything will be fine after some time, so I don't need to worry about it.
Being alone isn't easy
This thing comes in my mind as i have experienced myself this somewhere, if there comes a stage when one wants to pull out from a relationship, he/she can't because there is a fear of loneliness. Everyone has seen you with that one individual at every moment and now one can't face all those people with their questioning eyes alone, that's why sometimes people stick to a relationship even they want to pull back.
What can be done?
There must be some kind of awareness among people about healthy relationships. When they know what they actually deserve instead of just any xyz, there is more chance they get a healthy partner than someone emotionally immature who isn't even sure about his/her feelings at start and just waste the time of other person by saying in the end "sorry, i wasn't sure about my feelings for you".
Open conversations should be couraged, i have noticed many people want to share their personal struggles in a relationship but they are afraid as the listeners often make fun of such people instead of understanding what they are actually passing through.
Victims should build their self esteem and always place them before relationship. I have noticed myself, only those relationships are most toxic where one just don't care about his/her self respect and continues to make efforts for the other and becomes an easy target for that emotionally immature scum.
Well, that's all from my side.