A new lunch favorite!

in #hive-147010last year


Long time no see, Aldi!

Recently we went to the Aldi supermarket for a change. The last time we saw one from the inside was when we had a rental van in June 2022 and had an Aldi nearby. We knew once we'd move here, and as long as we'd be without a car, visiting an Aldi was probably not going to happen. Way too out of reach for people without wheels and defo not interesting enough to visit by public transport. Lidl is withing 30 mins walking distance so we took that option all the months we didn't have a car.

With wheels, everything is within distance again

Life truly gets easier once you can move around and just hop in the car for the sake of being out. Put on some nice Spanish summer hits to practice the language and enjoy the ride along the coast to the big city. It's quite breathetaking once you drive there during sunsets and these trips aren't accompied with a horrible walk back uphil that ruins your kneecap, lol. I had more steps in the past month than in several months before that when we didn't have wheels, simply because I can now avoid the part that messes up my knee.

Aldi shopping

Although we did not find any pleasure walking through the Aldi (they used to have great promotions in the past), I did ad least pick up a few grocery items here and there that I'd normally not buy. Such as bio crackers with some sesame and other seeds on top. I love these seeds and I yet have to try and make my own crackers but for now these will have to do. I only picked up one package and in my head there was this voice whispering to add sliced goat cheese on top. I hadn't eaten goat cheese for a month or so and I have no clue why I had this sudden craving but I listened to the voice.

Goat cheese cracker for lunch

I tried the combination and added some pepper on top, god, so simple but so good! I ate two lol. My boyfriend is not fond of goat cheese and I wonder why, it's sooo nice! The combination with the seeds on this cracker was amazing. The reason I looked at the crackers in the first place was because our freezer is filled up too quickly (small freezer) with all the bread items and I prefer leaving that space for leftover food to freeze in. Crackers are the answer to the issue. For as long as I love eating them of course.

Today I added avocado on top instead of goat cheese, also yum!

Do you eat goat cheese? Love or hate it?

For the best experience view this post on Liketu


Our mealtimes are quite Mediterranean and continental. So our best shops are lidl's and aldi.

Goat cheese cracker huh? I might just try this.

Glad your car is making life easier :)

It's so simple, just a bio cracker with seeds and goat cheese and pepper, I love it.. going to make myself one with avocado on top now though :)

It's making our lives so much easier, bored? Hop in the car, for a drive some music, and enjoy the views. it's so cheap to drive this one too :)

If you've got any Spanish cliffs nearby that's a bonus too. Love sitting the car on a cliff and just watching the world go by. I did that in Malta. Was amazing

We have many of them but not sure if I'd enjoy it up there because the sky is constantly filled with dust/sand so from up there it's hard to see anything lol..

I loved Malta!

I LOVE goat cheese - so good. I love it with basil and tomatoes and a bit of balsamic vinegar. Those crackers look yummy too. I've been wanting to make seed crackers but haven't had time.

Oh, I'm a fan too now. I had it first when we ordered a salad while having tapas last fall. I was hooked and ordered them from the supermarket but it's a different goat cheese than they served us there. Still love it. Great for salads but also just for a cracker, so it turned out.

I had this planned for a while now, to try and make crackers with a lot of seeds but haven't done so yet. I will try it when these run out :)

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