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I finally got a win with the Explosive Weaponry rule, I spent a long time looking for a win with it to post in the Battle Mage Secrets event, there were several attempts with a mix of mistakes and bad luck 😂, let's go to the post!




EXPLOSIVE WEAPONRYAll monsters have the blast ability.

Explosive Weaponry is one of the coolest rules in the game, as it grants all units the rare and powerful Blast ability, the matches with these rules are extremely fast due to the area damage it provides, I think it's very difficult to defend well against this rule, but there are some skills like Reflection Shield that help a lot, the coolest is Scattershot skill considered by many to be the worst skill in the game, but it manages to be incredible in the Explosive Weaponry rule, very fragile units are also not very welcome in most matches, as they can die quickly in the middle of the explosions.

My main strategy here is to focus on damage with good speed to attack before the opponent having at least a little defense to survive the first round and attack hard at the beginning of the second round in order to decrease the opponent's strength by eliminating their units before they attack again, I also avoid putting fragile units, I prefer a robust one than two fragile ones hitting.

Below are my favorite skills and the ones I avoid using in this rule 😂.

Best Skills

ability_triage.pngTriageYour back line will almost always be hit by explosions, so this ability will always have a target to heal.
ability_dodge.pngDodgeDodge, Fly E Phase, all of them are good in games with this rule, because when dodging a blow, it ignores the explosion damage to the creatures next to the target 😁.
ability_protect.pngProtectArmor for all your units, can be very useful if the opponent uses physical attacks.
ability_martyr.pngMartyrI like to place the unit with this ability right behind the tank, to receive explosion damage and thus die activating the buff on allied units next to it.
ability_reflection-shield.pngReflection ShieldIt leaves the unit immune to explosion damage in addition to some others, I usually put it behind the tank, but it can alternate according to the strategy, it is good even in the penultimate position followed by a unit with taunt.
ability_scattershot.pngScattershotThe much criticized skill that makes a success in this rule, the shot can hit the middle of the opposing line-up doing unimaginable damage.

Worst Skills

ability_blast.pngBlastFor the simple reason that this ability will already be present in all units in the game with the Explosive Weaponry rule.


⚔️ My Team ⚔️


A match with 36 mana and the rules Explosive Weaponry/Aim True/Keep Your Distance, the last one limited my choice options but made me more relaxed against units with the opportunity skill, with Aim True I avoided using dodging skills but decided to use Djinn Oshanuss because it is very resistant, with the rule Explosive Weaponry I focused on the damage and speed of my units also put a unit that hits very hard that has random target my idea is to kill at least one unit in the first round.
Kelya Frendul_lv5.pngSummoner : Speed for my team to strike first, and armor to withstand some of the explosive damage.
Baakjira_lv3.pngTank : I was afraid of magic damage, so I deployed a strong unit against this type of damage, plus it has slow ability and +1 HP for all my units.
Djinn Oshannus_lv3.pngOff-Tank: It will be great for holding off magical explosive damage, with a good chance of not taking any damage from these explosions.
Igor Darkspear_lv4.pngDPS/Suport: A bit fragile but with the extra HP of the Baakjra and the speed bonuses it will be able to attack fast and hopefully apply a stun on an opposing unit.
Axemaster_lv4.pngDPS : Excellent damage and double hits, will pulverize the opponent off-tank.
Coastal Nymph_lv6.pngDPS: An incredible 4 damage in the middle of the opposing team is the most beautiful thing to see in a match with the Explosive Weaponry rule.


🤜The Battle 🤛


Analyzing the match: My opponent came with one of the best summoners for Explosive Weaponry rule his targets are random as the Scattershot ability, has Piercing to end the armor of my units and still a bonus of 2+ in speed for all his units, practically nullified almost all my initial strategy, and now I just count on luck.

Round 1 - Many explosions for all sides, the first unit to leave the field was the Venari Marksrat, but I think this was part of the opposing strategy, soon after the Lava Launcher buffed with marty hits the middle of my line-up taking Igor out of the game quickly, almost at the end Coastal Nymph hits and defeats Djinn Inferni unfortunately it was not in the middle of the line-up, but at least it hit the backline.


Round 2 - Early on my Djinn Oshannus knocks out Molten Ash Golem and soon after Axe Master takes Xenith Archer out of the game, and almost at the end Coastal Nymph knocks out one more unit, now I have a good lead.


Round 3 - Victory finally came, Lava Launcher was knocked out early on by attacks from Djinn Oshannus and Axe Master.


🎊 Conclusion 🎊

In the end my strategy worked, and I was able to attack fast in round 2 eliminating the threats before they attacked, I was afraid of the +2 speed bonus of the opposing summoner 😅, it was really a very fast game, the Scattershot skill hitting the back line and taking out the Djinn Inferni early in the game, it was a stroke of luck 🙏.
In general this rule is a bit chaotic, I think it only loses to Aimless in this regard , speed and damage are very important because the matches last a few rounds, so killing before dying is very important, some defensive skills help a little, but I don't like to focus too much on that.


Game Link: Splinterlands


Image sources: and


!1UP Good work!



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