announcing ... double trouble on VYB!

in #vyb2 years ago

the VYB rewards-pool smart contract has just been updated, to ...

double the rewards-pool rate

from 1/3 the full rate to 2/3 the full rate
(the full rate will commence in about 2 weeks)

double the voting window

from 2 days to 4 days



why the changes?

the rewards-pool rate was started at 1/3 the full rate to minimize any first-voting surprises (initial votes can be skewed upward if it takes a while for stakeholders to start voting)

those first-voting issues have stabilized (votes are now worth about half what they were initially)

the initial 2-day voting window was meant to [1] encourage folks to stay current in viewing and voting new content, [2] allow early authors and curators to stack some early VYB more quickly, and [3] provide quicker confirmation that everything is working 'as expected' with respect to the rewards-pool

everything seems to be working as intended (a big 'thank you' to @eonwarped for his quick responsiveness with respect to a couple front-end bugs that were identified early then promptly exterminated)

a 4-day voting window seemed like a good transition on our way to the standard 7-day timeframe

also, delegation is coming soon ...

delegation will be enabled shortly (i.e. within a few days)

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If I am looking to trade POB for VYB. What ratio account is currently funding? Thanks.

1:1 account @x-1pob-1vyb is currently in action. Still more than 200K VYB available for Exchange. !PIZZA 😊👍

How do you do do this?

It's very simple friend. Just Send minimum 100 POB to @x-1pob-1vyb and you will receive 100 VYB within the next 24 hours or less. 😊👍


PIZZA Holders sent $PIZZA tips in this post's comments:
@vikbuddy(2/6) tipped @allcapsonezero (x1)

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Dunno what's up with all the zeros on this post. I checked a different post on and the vote values show. up fine.


I'm not sure how to report a bug. It looks like if you edit your post the user's avatar image becomes their blog thumbnail. It has not only happened to me, but I'm seeing quite a few posts from other users showing their avatar as the thumbnail in the VYB feed as well, but it's not an image used in their posts.

I originally edited through Peakd, when I looked at it from the VYB front end my avatar was the thumbnail and only the description showed when I opened it. The whole post body beyond that was gone. I edited it from the VYB frontend and the post took, except the thumbnail.



Now my post won't load at all


Perfect, these are adjustments to improve our tour around here! I think 4 days is fine, although I enjoyed the 2 days.

mmmmm sounds like a Dawg's breakfast to me!
